The aid to the associative Integration, endowed with 1.75M €
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment has published on Saturday March 17th, in the Official State Gazette (BOE), an excerpt from the order of March 8th, 2018, which calls for aid for the promotion of the integration of agrifood associative entities of supraautonomic scope, for the year 2018. These aids are part of the set of measures included in the State Plan of Associative Integration 2015-2020, approved in the Sectoral Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development of April 16th of 2015 and will be endowed, for the year 2018, with a budget of 1,750,000 euros.
The main objective of this aid is to promote agri-food associations, by supporting the merger and integration processes promoted by Agricultural Cooperative Societies, Cooperative Groups, Cooperatives of the first, second and subsequent degree or any other entity that is formed mainly by Cooperative Societies Agrarian, or Agrarian Transformation Societies whose scope is superior to that of an Autonomous Community.
Through the aid scheme, integration costs are subsidized, such as the constitution, audits, advice or previous studies, as well as the expenses inherent to the annual management of the resulting entity, that is, office material, computer programs, rental of real estate, staff compensation or travel expenses.
These grants are intended to facilitate the creation of larger business structures, which facilitate inter-territorial cooperation and the network economy to integrate the associative entities, and implement the appropriate services and means to improve their efficiency and profitability
There is a complementarity between this aid scheme and those established specifically for the Priority Associative Entities, since the national aid is intended to contribute to the development of integration processes that will reach, in the future, the EAP dimension.
With the implementation of these measures, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment highlights its effort and determined commitment to the development of the social economy as an example of sustainability, because agri-food cooperatives are related companies of stable form to the territory and to the producer, they exercise the leadership in the local economy and in the establishment of population to the territory and also contribute to the balance, the ordination and the rural development.
Fuente: MAPAMA