Spain: BOE publishes new contracts lemon and grapefruit adapted to the law on the Food Chain
Ailimpo emphasizes protecting evenly producer and buyer
The Official State Bulletin (BOE) has issued four orders of Magrama for which the standard contracts of sale of lemons and grapefruit are bound for fresh homologated and destined for industry for the upcoming 2015/2016 season. In the words of Director of Ailimpo Jose Antonio Garcia “This is standard contracts which constitute a very useful tool because it is a contract agreed by the sector within interprofessional, so it’s model contracts” balanced “that is, to protect equally both buyers and sellers, who freely agree the terms of delivery, volumes, prices, quality specifications, payment terms … but in a global framework that provides maximum security.”
Ailimpo This initiative stems from the tradition of inter to approve the contracts by Law 2/2000, and the need to give the producer, business and industry a tool to scrupulously comply with the Law 12/2013. In this regard, Jose Antonio Garcia stressed that “Ailimpo offer contracts guaranteeing fulfillment of the obligations imposed on procurement Law 12/2013, and for this reason Ailimpo has already informed the AICA, the Information Agency and Food Control “.
Advantages of Contracts Officers AILIMPO
The advantages of official contracts Ailimpo are: it’s official contracts approved by the Magrama and published in the BOE, certify that the Law 12/2013 Chain fulfilled, balanced way to protect both buyers and sellers, clearly and simply regulate the conditions of sale, permit more profitable by avoiding conflicts and renegotiations. Moreover, in case of conflict between the parties, Ailimpo provides mediation service, and ultimately the case was transferred to the Chamber of Commerce of Murcia for arbitration, thus avoiding going to the courts, which is always slower and more expensive.
Also noteworthy clauses aimed at providing greater information and contractual guarantee on traceability, phytosanitary treatments, subscribers and certification of farms, the quality requirements of the fruit, and the procedure for the analysis of pesticides .
On this point, Jose Antonio Garcia stressed that “the contract becomes a tool that well certify Chain Act is met, allowing the sector to guarantee maximum quality and safety to customers, enhancing the image and prestige of our products in the markets for both fresh and industrial products. ”