Reinventing egg
The Egg Research Institute celebrates World Egg Day, which falls on October 9, with the presentation of the winners in 2014 and 2015 Annual Award for Research. The authors have developed innovative products from the clear and the yolk with functionality and various commercial possibilities.
The white and yolk have very different composition and properties and lead to egg components with applications in the food, cosmetic, medical and packaging industry, of which the authors show practical examples.
Dr. Benjamin Paredes, Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Oviedo, is Research Prize 2015 with the presentation of their work “low cholesterol yolk and other possibilities of splitting the bud.”
With the Research Prize 2014, Dra. Marta Miguel, Department of bioactivity and Food Analysis CSIC, has prepared the study “egg white hydrolysates, functional and healthy ingredients.”
Two renowned chefs have developed original recipes from the new egg products and explain their culinary features, attendees can see in the tasting. Nel Son Lluis Estrada and Mario Sandoval, collaborating research teams in culinary applications, recipes and explain their organoleptic and technological egg derivatives used properties.
The Egg Research Institute, a non-profit organization created in 1996, gives to get to know their commitment to the promotion of research in Spain and egg disclosure about their nutritional and culinary qualities and food and non-food uses.
Source: Institute of Egg Research