Lamb meat continues to gain fans
According to the latest market study commissioned by the Interprofessional Agro-Food Organization of Sheep and Goats (INTEROVIC), the upward trend in lamb meat consumption in Spain continues, reinforcing the increase recorded last year. This fact confirms the success of the European program of promotion to increase the consumption of meat of lamb and suckling lamb, that has been developing for two years in our country.
Approximately half of the people interviewed report having consumed lamb in the last three months
This market analysis, the second commissioned by INTEROVIC in the framework of the promotion campaign that develops in Spain to measure perceptions about lamb meat, shows the effectiveness of the actions that the Interprofessional is developing throughout Spain to improve the consumption of this meat.
Especially effective in the valuation of this product are being the new cuts whose presence in the point of sale increases gradually
The study, conducted by the Institute for Market Research and Strategic Marketing (Ikerfel), was conducted in November 2016 and has had a sample of more than 800 people between 25 and 74 years.
The first market study was carried out in 2015, after a year of campaigning in progress, and in the same there was a rise in consumption that had been very affected since 2008. In the second of 2016, on the one hand, the increase of consumption collected last year and on the other, the image that the respondents have on lamb meat is stable. In addition, the distribution and butchers consider the actions carried out since the Interprofessional to be very positive since they reach more consumers.
Lamb and suckling lamb meat have been consumed in 8 out of 10 Spanish homes and in just over 5 out of 10 in the last three months, with the buyer increasingly evaluating the origin of the product. Based on these data, INTEROVIC marks the achievement of two major goals:
1. Continue to strengthen the presence of lamb in Spanish households, so that it is increasingly present in the daily menus thanks to new uses, trying to unlink their consumption of exclusively “formal” occasions.
2. Increase the frequency of consumption of this meat.
Target audience strategic
A point and aside deserve the young homes where the responsible for buying are around age 35, a strategic group to continue to reverse the trend of consumption, taking into account that it is the segment with a more critical image of the meat product.
As for product differentiation, two-thirds of those responsible for buying know the existence of different types of lamb with more knowledge of those over 44 years of age. In addition, the suckling lamb continues to be leader, as much by knowledge as by consumption by its flavor and texture.
Finally, respondents also improved their perception of the TV spot, passing their positive ratings from 31% in 2015 to 37% in 2016.
INTEROVIC is committed to continue with the actions of its communication campaign, in which the suckling lamb and lamb are linked to responsible consumption, and increase the protagonism of the origin in the product presentation
This Interprofessional is pleased with the results achieved so far as the perception of quality and origin of lamb and lamb meat continues to improve among consumers.
The improvement in the image of this product has been reflected in the increase of sacrifices and decrease of exports, a circumstance that did not take place since 2007
The European program to promote the consumption of lamb and suckling lamb in Spain has a budget of 4 million euros, co-financed by the EU (50% and 2 million euros), the Government of Spain, through MAPAMA ( 25% and one million euros) and the sector itself (25% and one million euros). It will run for three years until the beginning of 2018.