188 kilos is the consumption of fruit and vegetables per person per year
The per capita consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables at home until September was 188 kilos, 11% more than in the same period of 2019, according to data from the Consumption Panel of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, which it represents 19 kilos more consumed per person per year, of which 9 kilos were fruits, 7 vegetables and 3 potatoes.
The data for the last mobile year (from October 2019 to September 2020 set fruit consumption at 101 kilos per person and year, 9 more kilos per person and year, which is 10% more compared to the same period of the year previous mobile (from October 2018 to September 2019) Oranges, with 17.4 kilos, bananas, with 14 kilos and apples, also with 14 kilos, are the fruits most consumed in households.
The per capita consumption of vegetables in households has stood at 64 kilos until September 2020, 7 kilos more than in the same period of the previous year, which represents a growth of 12%. Tomato stands out, with 15 kilos consumed per person per year, onion with 8 kilos, peppers with 6 kilos and lettuce with 4.5 kilos. As for potatoes, consumption has been 23 kilos per capita, 3 kilos more, which represents a growth of 15%.
The remarkable growth in the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in households in the last year has been driven by the pandemic and especially by the months in which the state of alarm was in force, with growth of 13% in March, of 40% in April, 22% in May and 11% in June compared to the same months of 2019, which reflects, for FEPEX that consumers recognize the close relationship between health and fruits and vegetables and that the demand for fruits and vegetables is linked to domestic consumption.