New president for Fedefruta
The agricultural entrepreneur and business leader, Ramon Achurra Larrain, is the new president of the National Federation of Fruit Producers of Chile, Fedefruta, then the election process guild that chose its policy for the next two years, after finishing the period 2014 -2016 Carolus Brown headed by Juan Bauza.
Agronomist at the Catholic University, Achurra has worked for more than 55 years as a producer in the regions of Atacama, Metropolitan, O’Higgins, Maule and Los Lagos, leading advances in table grapes, apples and pears, cherries and stone fruit, kiwis in central and blueberries in the south. All through mechanization and modernization of orchards, planting new varieties, diversification of markets for Chilean fruit, and associativity among entrepreneurs in the industry, among other edges.
However, his knowledge of the fruit industry led him in 2008 to become president of Frusexta, the association of producers and exporters of fruit O’Higgins, union office allowed him to become director of Fedefruta in mid-2010, when it made visible effects for producers and exporters of a dollar under 500 pesos.
Now, as president of Fedefruta for the period 2016-2018, the Chilean authorities expected to understand the importance of fruit growing as a tool for economic growth, so it is necessary to legislate in work environments that take into account the particular needs of an activity that “depends on the vagaries of the weather.”
In this sense, Achurra clarifies that does not disagree with a labor reform is made, but which is now in the Constitutional Court “has considered the fruit worker,” he says. “Measures with the same yardstick our industry and any others that are indoors in cities, does not consider contractors or temporary, nor women, young people and older who play a role very important in the countryside”.
The new president of Fedefruta adds that, once the labor reform is enacted, “hope we can legislate for seasonal workers, contractors and permanent employees in the sector, so as to consolidate a harmonious fruticultura” he explains. “Employers rely on workers and employers workers, so we engage these two engines to have the best of relations not only benefit both parties, but also the country.”