Smurfit Kappa achieves its water sustainability goals and joins the United Nations CEO Water Mandate
Smurfit Kappa reconfirms its commitment to water sustainability, summarizing the “Mandatory Water Initiative” of the United Nations Global Compact, addressing the growing crisis of access to drinking water and sewerage in many corners of the planet, through the application of a series of strategies and concrete policies. The company, one of the leading suppliers of paper solutions in the world, collaboration with global brands, stories such as ABInBev, Danone, Heineken and Unilever, to identify, analyze and solve the challenges that the planet faces in terms of water.
The company has long been committed to sustainable water consumption practices and has recently achieved its goal of reducing the impact of its production process three years in advance. In particular, it has managed to reduce the chemical demand required for its manufacturing tasks, which results in a lower environmental impact of its water discharges.
Smurfit Kappa also has invested more than 60 million euros in technology for the sustainable treatment of water, implementing processes that require less energy. Especially one of these treatments transforms the pollutants into biogas, which is subsequently reused as fuel in the company’s combined thermoelectric and electric plants.
Steven Stoffer, Vice President of Development of the Smurfit Kappa Group, says that “joining the CEO Water Mandate was the logical next step for us, having achieved our last objective at the end of last year. Water is one of the five key sustainability areas for Smurfit Kappa and, therefore, we have made numerous studies and development plans to return it to nature as clean as it was originally. Our goals have been endorsed with their inclusion in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. ”
The United Nations Global Compact is the most important business initiative on sustainability on the planet and is based on 10 basic principles that affect different aspects of human rights, labor regulations, the environment and the fight against corruption.
Smurfit Kappa is included in the rating systems of the FTSE4Good, Euronext Vigeo Europe 120, Ethibel and STOXX ESG indices, for their achievements in terms of sustainability in different areas of activity.