Exports of Chilean fruit and vegetables recover the pace
According to ASOEX, Association of Fruit Exporters of Chile, presented by marketing director for Europe and Asia, Charif Christian Carvajal, the Latin American country has regained sales volumes in Europe, with an average increase of 4% in the 27 European markets that Chilean fruits are addressed.
By Marta Fernandez
Sales volumes in Europe between September 2015 and August 2016 were 549,280 tons, placing the continent in second place in the ranking of areas of destination of exports of Chilean fruit, behind the East Coast of States and ahead of Latin America, which occupies the third position.
Chile has a market share of 17% on all exports of fruit from the southern hemisphere to Europe, and sales to the continent mean 22% of total world exports of Chilean sector
A very positive development, in the words of Carvajal, given the challenging context of last season, characterized by local over-stocks, increased sales of other competing countries and devaluation of the ruble in Russia.
Spain is one of the key markets for Chilean fruits and operators in the sector, and ranks fourth among the 27 top European destinations, with a volume of 37.500 tons in 2015 and an increase of 21% over the previous season. By product, the kiwi is the main fruit exported from Chile to Spain, with a volume of 9.400 tons; followed by two color blocks (7.900 tons, + 19%); table grapes (5.600 tons, + 17%), avocados (5.500 tons, + 72%) and lemons (3.900 tons, + 1,225%).
The Port of Algeciras has driven for the first time at Barcelona as the first port of entry of Chilean fruit in Spain
New mobile application pioneer in the field
Asoex-fruits Chile is finalizing the launch of a new App for Smartphones and Tablets, available from early November in AppelStore and Google Play. The App, in Spanish and English, will collect comprehensive information on the main varieties of Chilean fruit, its key features and calendars, reports of crop, list of Chilean exporters, news, information on sustainability and a list of events and international events, with geoLocator included. Looking ahead to the general public, will offer recipes and games, in the latter case aimed at children.
The aim of ASOEX with this initiative is provide a flexible communication channel adapted to new trends and allow continuous updating of the key information which international traders need about fruits Chile.
This action will complement the international campaign Foods from Chile, an initiative that aims to bring Chilean food to the local cuisine of each country where activities in Chile are carried and highlights the transverse characteristics of the country’s food (safety, quality, traceability, guarantee and flavor).