The risk of bringing plants and fruits from other countries
The Andalusian Board has launched a campaign aimed at the general public about the risk of bringing plants and fruits from other countries, warning about pests that can be introduced with vegetables acquired during the holidays and that can damage agriculture.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development has launched a campaign to raise public awareness of the risk posed to our agriculture by the possible introduction or spread of pests in the national territory by the circulation of certain plants, such as plants and fruits, likely to be carriers thereof. The campaign, which is disseminated between July and September through the hashtag #entusmanos, has an important online component as it is developed through the Raif Network web page, alert and phytosanitary information, through messages in the institutional profiles in social and professional networks of Raif itself, with personalized ads by SMS and through weekly phytosanitary bulletins.
In this way, it is possible to raise awareness about the need to protect crops against harmful organisms, remembering especially those who travel outside Spain at this time that any plant or fruit that is purchased can be a carrier of pests such as Xylella Fastidiosa or HLB of citrus fruits, whose arrival in Andalusia would be very harmful for our agriculture. The campaign message invites replacing the acquisition of these plant products with photos to avoid the risks that the introduction or spread of pests in the national territory would entail due to the circulation of certain
The Andalusian Board insists on the need to comply with current regulations regarding the entry of vegetables from third countries into the European Union and their circulation through it. So, remember that citrus vegetables, prunus (almond, cherry, plum …), vine and potato are prohibited from being introduced, while for the rest of vegetables and plant products (live plants, fresh cut flowers and bouquets for ornamentation, fresh fruits and fresh vegetables), it is specified that they must be declared in the Spanish customs of destination of the traveler when the six units of flowers or the kilo of fruit or three units per person are exceeded, as the case may be, for fruits.
The European Union has a phytosanitary passport consisting of a label and an accompanying document, which must be attached to certain vegetables or plant products, so that they can circulate within its borderless space, and that serves as a guarantee that they They have been produced by entities registered in the Official Registry of Producers, Traders and Importers of Vegetables, Ropciv, and submitted to the relevant phytosanitary controls and / or treatments, to guarantee plant health within their entire territory.