Freshuelva promotes innovation in berries through three operating groups
The Strawberry Producers and Exporters Association of Huelva (Freshuelva) is firmly committed to promoting innovation in the red fruit sector, leading three operational groups for the development of R & D & I projects, for which assistance has already been requested to the regional Goverment, through the recent call by the Andalusian Administration to promote the creation of Operational Groups of Innovation.
Through these structures, a series of innovative projects will be launched, such as the so-called ‘Cost analysis systems in the agro-food chain of the red fruit sector’. The operating group that develops this initiative is made up of Freshuelva, the Technological Center of the Agro-Industry (Adesva), the Association for Rural Development of the County of Huelva (Adercon), the Association for Rural Development of Andalusia (ARA) and Alteda Investments.
This project arises from the need of the sector to determine and generate tools for the control and analysis of costs in the field of cooperatives and trading companies of strawberries and red fruits. It includes from the analysis of costs in the primary production, to the management and freight of the marketers.
In the second group, Freshuelva, Adesva, Adercon and ARA will be accompanied by the partner of Freshuelva, Leanbest, to develop the project ‘Implementation of Lean Manufacturing techniques in the agro-marketing chain of red fruits’. The starting point of this study is that there is a set of particular variables related to the red fruit sector, the internal characteristics of the primary productive sector and its relation with the commercialization entities, which affect the possibilities of growth and competitive improvement of the sector .
The red fruit sector has significant productive technological elements incorporated, but it lacks innovative models in processes that improve the efficiency, sustainability and productivity of its activities
Finally, Freshuelva, Adesva, Adercon and ARA repeated in the project ‘Optimization of water and fertilizer consumption in the cultivation of new berries. Aquaberry ‘, whose objective is to evaluate the influence of the use of different irrigation strategies, with different instantaneous discharges, in three of the crops with the highest boom in the province, such as raspberry, blueberry and blackberry.
Source: Freshuelva