Spain: Soybean production over 61 million tonnes
Soybeans, with 98% already harvested, will mark a new record, with 61 million tonnes, 14.2% higher than the previous year, achieved in 20.1 million hectares, an area of 1.6 % larger than the previous planting.
In the case of maize, the harvesting of the crop is 55%, and expectations of reaching a final production situated around 31 million tonnes are held, which will mean a drop of 6.1% compared to last year, the decline in production was related to the reduction in planted area, at 11.5% yoy.
The situation is different wheat, where harvesting was completed and substantial progress was made both to harvest 13.9 million tons, representing a growth of 51.1% yoy, and also a 73.75% above the 2012/2013 marketing year; the planted area was 5.26 million hectares, growing 44.2%.
For its part, the sunflower, with an area of planting 1.5 million hectares, 15.4% higher than the previous production reached 3.16 million tons, representing a growth of 58% yoy .
In the rest of the above crops, they decreased 38% barley, sorghum 6.3%, 1.9% rice, cotton 19.5% and peanut 18.1%.
Source: Magrama