Netherlands: Market equilibrium Leek
July 17, 2015
The market price has been stable at around 50 cents per kilo for some time. Demand is pretty good, not particularly high, but so is supply
Leek The market is fairly balanced at the moment, “last year prices fell fairly quickly, but this year the market price has been stable at around 50 cents per kilo for some time. Demand is pretty good, not particularly high, but so is supply, “explains Peter Wijnen, responsible for the sale of leeks Frankort & Koning. “In Belgium, prices rose above the euro on Thursday, but this increase was due to the shortage in the local retail market. This price is not reached in the export market. ”
“Sales of leeks are usually slower during the summer, but I have the impression that, due to disappointing profits in recent years, will be less leeks in the market this summer, which means that there will be too much supply and the market will not be flooded, “continues Peter. “Since last week have removed some markets because they are self-sufficient with its local product. Our biggest competition comes from Germany and France now. Production in Belgium is quite disappointing. ”
“The quality of leeks is good, but the product has enough problems besieging him and the producers have to be quick to get ahead of them, though resolved quickly,” said Peter. Frankort sells leeks with a private label and under its own brand Royal Green. “Every time we have more customers throughout Europe communicating their wishes. They want to be sure to have access to the leeks all year, in the right package and the correct specifications. ”
Source: Frankort & Koning