Javier Seisdedos: “we bet on a tractor that suits the needs of the farmer”
By Juan Herrera
e-Comercio Agrario took advantage of its presence in Demoagro 2017 to interview the general manager of Arbos in Iberia and Latin America, Javier Seisdedos, who revealed to us the objectives that the firm is marking in the agricultural machinery market.
e-Comercio Agrario: How did the Arbos project come about?
Javier Seisdedos: Arbos is a project that started in 2011, with an engineering department that started from scratch. Through successive incorporations of personnel, engineers and the acquisition of our factories has been taking steps, covering different stages, until today, where we have been able, in Demoagro, to make our first long start at European level. The feed-back is being very positive and we are pleased to welcome a brand like Arbos, who came out of nowhere and in six years is going very well.
ECA: how do you expect market acceptance?
J.S.: in the specific case of the 5000 series, which we are presenting in Demoagro, these are machines that will continue to work in the coming months to continue improving, and at the end of the year, when they are commercial, to be able to have them with the best possible specifications. We have a great advantage over other brands, and we are allowing ourselves the luxury of configuring a specific machine for Spain, something that large German and French groups are not carrying out.
Spain is a country with some peculiarities that other countries do not have: it requires refrigeration capacity, cleaning of radiators, air conditioner in the cabins, etc. These characteristics of the Spanish countryside undoubtedly condition the design of the machine from the beginning.
The one of Spain and Portugal is the first subsidiary that has opened the group and we are putting our grain of sand so that the configuration of the tractor adapts to the needs of the farmer and the Spanish cattleman.
ECA: how do you differentiate yourself from the competition?
J.S .: we are going to bet on a tractor where the farmer buys what he needs, that he covers his needs, without introducing a technology that in many cases does not use, and that sometimes it adds only complication.
ECA: what does Arbos offer today in the market?: although the 5000 series will not reach the market until the end of the year, we already have on the market the range of Goldoni fruit tractors, articulated tractors, tractors, rototillers and all implements . Today, we are operating in a narrow market range, but everything will come. In addition, we are implementing the entire network of dealers, so anyone who wants to be part of this project will be welcome whenever you understand this project. We are very excited about it.