Rising olive oil prices raise alarm in the sector over fraud risks
The EU is the world’s largest producer of olive oil, accounting…

LAINCO starts trials with SENSATIO®, the solution against Xylella fastidiosa in Mallorca
After obtaining the patent last December, LAINCO has started…

Identified a natural solution against Xylella fastidiosa
Xylella fastidiosa it is one of the most dangerous bacteria for…

Portugal, probably the best country for olive growing
By Juan Vilar Consultores Estratégicos
Portugal is one of…

EU approves private storage of olive oil
Four consecutive tenders are established that will allow storing the necessary quantities until the rebalancing of the olive oil market is achieved.

The EC authorizes private storage for olive oil
The commissioner has announced the imminent presentation of a proposed regulation for the opening of a measure to help private storage of olive oil, to help adjust the offer.