Consolida2 Plan for improving the internationalization of Spanish SMEs
The program ICEX Spain Export and Investment supports the creation of subsidiaries established outside the European Union aid to finance feasibility studies, the constitution and external expertise. The aid will be aimed also to cover promotion costs and legal defense of the mark and approval. The amount of aid can reach up to 50% of the concepts likely to support a maximum of 20,000 euros per company per year. ICEX total 2.5 million euros allocated to this program. Consolida2 ICEX supports up to three countries and business application and the deadline for submission of applications is September 30.
The support rate will be higher for companies that already have a subsidiary in the countries for which aid is requested and for proposing activities in countries outside the European Union. It also increases funding for projects in high-technology sectors.
ICEX launches program aimed Consolida2 become an element that favors the entry and consolidation of Spanish SMEs in foreign markets and provides for different forms of access to countries, choosing from several options.
Source: ICEX