BIOFRUIT Congress will discuss the future of the organic markets at Fruit Attraction 2018
The first European congress on organic fruits and vegetables, BIOFRUIT CONGRESS, organized by Eurofresh Distribution and Fruit Attraction, will be held within the ORGANIC HUB on October 24 at the FRUIT FORUM located in Hall 6 of Feria de Madrid.
Fresh organic markets face new challenges and opportunities with the launch of new European legislation and renewed double-digit consumption growth. Recognized experts and leading distributors will analyze the latest data and trends, organic fruits and vegetables and beyond with other “value chains”.
In the day will address topics of great current divided into three blocks. The first will revolve around Global trends and the impact of the new regulations, a session in which the new EU regulations on organic products will be discussed: what future impact will it have on the market and for producers? More democratic or restrictive ?, by Elena Panichi, deputy director of Unit B.4 Organic products, European Commission; World and EU demand for organic products; perspectives, by Julia Lernoud of FIBL & IFOAM-Organics International; Trends and market opportunities with the retail sector, specialized channels and emerging countries, by Pierre Escodo, editor or magazine Eurofresh Distribution, and Certification and regulatory diversities in a global market: how to unify audit criteria, reduce unfair competition and explore business opportunities ?, taught by Juan Manuel Sánchez Adame, certification director of the CAAE.
The second block will be focused on the Retail Panel, where the main consumers are, what the future demands, which will host the following conferences: Panel analysis Consumers and retailers, in-depth market trends, by Ed Griffiths, analyst at Kantar Analyst; Germany and Switzerland, the main consumers; how to improve segmentation and brand, by José Tienda, director of Rewe Group / Campiña Verde, and Germany and Switzerland, the main consumers; how to improve segmentation and brand, by Katja Bahrdt, quality manager of the Coop Katja Bahrdt Group.
Finalmente, en el tercer bloque se debatirá sobre La demanda de más “valor añadido” más allá de los productos orgánicos, como comercio justo, biodinámico, local, neutro en carbono, cero residuos…, la experiencia de distribuidores especializados como Eosta, LaVieClaire o Naturland.
BIOFRUIT CONGRESS se celebrará el miércoles 24 de octubre de 16:00 a 19:00h., en el FRUIT FORUM ubicado en el pabellón 6 de Fruit Attraction.
Fruit Attraction prevé una asistencia de más de 1.600 empresas expositoras y 70.000 participantes profesionales de 120 países.
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