Bayer, among the 25 companies with the best reputation
Bayer has been chosen as one of the 25 companies with the best reputation in Spain for the annual report RepTrak® Press Spain 2015, prepared by the consulting Reputation Institute based on over 23,000 reviews of Spanish consumers. The company also appears as the chemical-pharmaceutical company with the best reputation in this country.
The report RepTrak® Spain 2015 Press analyzed 206 companies, of which 100 were selected by a preliminary study of spontaneous nominations and the rest by its turnover and international importance. This study identifies how stakeholders perceive a company from the evaluation of seven basic dimensions of corporate reputation, and how these perceptions raise a number of behaviors favorable to her: buy your products, recommend it to others, give him the benefit of the doubt , among others. The seven dimensions of reputation analyzed are: financial performance, integrity, citizenship, leadership, innovation, work environment and offer products and services.
To the Director of Communications at Bayer in Spain and Portugal, Carlota Gomez, is a great achievement a chemical pharmaceutical company appears in the top of the ranking since, even though these companies are the largest investors in research and industrial development (R & D) in Spain, “often are not recognized their contribution to society.” Furthermore, he assured that Bayer lead this ranking is a recognition “to the effort that we make every day to help improve the quality of life of people”.
Gomez explained that innovations in the field of Life Sciences have helped, for example, increase life expectancy and quality of life of people and to deadly diseases so far have become chronic or even have able to cure. They have also served to increase the quantity and quality of crops and to bring agricultural production to areas previously considered barren, offering new economic activity for thousands of families, among other contributions.
According to the report, six of the top 10 companies belong to the sectors of new technologies and food. In this sense, Gómez believes that “society and greatly appreciates these areas firms, pharmaceutical chemical companies must continue to find ways to better connect with society and explain our contribution.”
However, he acknowledged that society increasingly recognizes the contribution of the innovative industry and has ensured that: “Proof of this is our position in this report. Gradually society sees us as a sustainable industry that adds value, generating wealth for the country, providing stable, quality jobs and is committed to the environment.”
Source: Bayer