• VIII Foro MujerAGRO_Superior
  • CMR

    CMR joins the Company for Equality Seal

    CMR Group, a reference in the import and export of fruits and…

    UNITEC, technological solutions a step forward in the peach

    Thanks to the strong connection with the market in which the…
    UK market

    Hungarian drone innovator ABZ poised for entry to UK market

    Hungary-based drones for agriculture pioneer ABZ Innovation is…

    AgriDataSpace organizes online Stakeholders Meetup

    The AgriDataSpace project will organize on 31st March 2023…

    Bayer collaborates with Microsoft

    Following a 2021 strategic partnership announcement with Microsoft,…

    “We have to get away from the idea that the man is the breadwinner”

    Lotta Folkesson, President of the Women's Committee of COPA-…

    AgroFresh and Ceradis sign exclusive distribution agreement for CeraFruta

    AgroFresh the global leader in post-harvest freshness solutions, and…

    More women to get involved in agriculture

    This was the purpose of today’s event in the European Parliament…

    Leaps by Bayer leads investment round in AgTech pioneer NuCicer

    NuCicer, an agri-food technology company pioneering ultra-high…

    The 40th edition of FIMA will feature King Felipe VI at its inauguration

    King Felipe VI will inaugurate, on February 20th, the 40th edition of the International Fair of Agricultural Machinery, FIMA 2018. The show, which is held until Saturday 24th, has the presence of more than 1,550 exhibiting firms and occupies the eleven pavilions of Feria de Zaragoza. It will be the second time that the monarch visits FIMA, since he already did it in 2014, when he was still Prince of Asturias. Then he received the FIMA gold badge from the president of Feria de Zaragoza, Manuel Teruel.