The tuna industry collaboration requests administrations to preserve its access to raw materials
September 9, 2015
Between 7 and September 8, Vigo (Spain) hosted the VII World Tuna Conference. Here, industry representatives discussed their key challenges and maked a document of conclusions several points. Among other things, agree to the sustainability of fish stocks, and ask the administration help to remain competitive.
The VII World Tuna Conference is organized annually by ANFACO-CECOPESCA (National Association of Canned and Seafood). According to this organization, the meeting “has been a true meeting point in which speakers of international renown, analyzed the main issues that arouse today around a product as important as tuna, because it is the product Transformer star seafood industry worldwide, giving meaning to an important auxiliary industry that revolves around the production of canned tuna. ”
Spain, Thailand and the US, the major producers
ANFACO-CECOPESCA also stressed that Spain, together with Southeast Asian countries, led by Thailand; and the United States are the main countries leading the world production of canned tuna, a species that is also dynamically diversify into value-added products developed and marketed by the processing industry. According to data provided by the organization, canned tuna accounts for over 68% of the Spanish production of canned fish and seafood, always be among the most caught species.
For the development of the annual conference, ANFACO-CECOPESCA has the sponsorship of the Bank and other entities such SabadellGallego HERMASA, Mounts Conserveros Galicia-Nautical and Marine Instruments.