Spain: new alfalfa establishments authorized to export to China
In middle of 2014, the Spanish alfalfa managed to enter the Chinese market, with the signing of phytosanitary protocol ratified by the Chinese authorities and there España. Actually over 74 dehydration plants in Spain, of which 24 will be able to export to China from dehydrated alfalfa the signing by both parties.
Recently, the Chinese health authorities have approved 9 new Spanish settlements alfalfa for export to China. The new list, which includes all authorized as of May 19, 2015 establishments, can be found on the website of CEXGAN.
Spain first Community producer of fodder (85% alfalfa), and second exporter in the world after the US, has put all his energies in exports, which account for some campaigns like the current 70% of production.
Note that alfalfa from the Spanish dewatering are obtained with reduced moisture content below 12% avoiding fermentation and quality loss during storage, compared with sun-dried alfalfa and US pressed reducing its moisture around 17%, indicating an increased risk of conservation dried in dewatering.
If in addition to the best conditions of quality and preservation, joins the cheaper than from US price, we can predict an optimism for the sector of Spanish fodder, already recognized by other international markets and in view of the first shipments to China, which follows a policy of improving food quality and more varied.
Source: Agrodigital