Gastrónoma President Carlos Mataix, and the director of the…

Debate on the sole authority of evaluation of plant protection in Fruit Attraction
AEPLA organized by FEPEX and within the framework of the International Industry Fair: on 29 October from 16:30 the day "a tool toward a more innovative, productive and competitive agriculture Spanish evaluation only Authority" will be held Fruits and Vegetables (Fruit Attraction).

The MICHELIN guide Spain & Portugal 2016
The new edition of the MICHELIN guide Spain & Portugal 2016 is ready, but will not disclose its contents until 25 November. That day the Parador Hostal dos Reis Católicos in Santiago de Compostela, will be the scenario that will be presented popularly known as "Red Guide".

ITGA XXX General Assembly
Tobacco farmers around the world celebrate their annual meeting. The International Association of Producers of Tobacco address the main challenges facing the industry with special emphasis on the economic consequences of tobacco plain packaging faces. The ITGA XXX General Assembly held in Madrid from 18 to 20 October.

Night in Wine DO Navarra
Designation of Origin Navarra celebrates the eighth edition of La Noche del Vino in the Hall of Arms of the Citadel of Pamplona, on 16 October, from 20.30 to 23.30 hours.

Conference: “Women in the economic development of rural areas”
Merida will host on Thursday, October 15 more than six hundred women who live and work in small towns across Spain. Under the title "Women in the economic development of rural areas", the federation of rural women Fademur held a day of discussion and proposals on the Alcazaba Extremadura Cultural Center capital.

Celebrating World Bread Day
The event takes place on October 14 in preparation for the World…

AETC XXVII 2015 Technical Conference
Event organized by the AETC (Spanish Association of Cereal Technicians).…

International Course on technologies in the processing of table olives and olive oil production
The International University of Andalusia (UNIA) organized with the National University Jorge Basadre Grohmann (UNJBG) of Tacna in Peru, the international course Technologies applied to the processing of table olives and olive oil production, from 12 to 16 October.

Interporc II Forum pigmeat
First scientific symposium pork white layer.