Agrifood Business Day: Chain Law and Corporate Criminal Liability
On June 23th will be held a conference on corporate criminal responsibility of food companies, linked to the introduction of Law 12/2013 of measures to improve the functioning of the food chain, organized by the firm legal advice Acountax with the Interalimentario Forum. During this meeting, to be held at the headquarters of the CEOE in Madrid, it will be recalled that the aim of the law is to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the sector and that the imbalance is reduced in trade relations between the different operators in the chain value.

Contact FENAVIN 2016
The Provincial Council of Ciudad Real holds from 21 to 22 June Contact FENAVIN 2016. The main objective of this Business Meeting for the wine market is to use the image of FENAVIN, fair reference Spanish wine sector, to attract buyers and specifiers wine, both international and domestic, which will have the opportunity to perform a wide Spanish wine tasting and hold business meetings with winemakers.

Third conference on citrus of Agrícola Café
This Friday, June 10th, the third edition of the Days ' Agricultural Cafe: Citrus', is celebrated. In this event will be discussed the current situation in the citrus industry and its future prospects. Organized by Agricultural Editorial Spanish with AVA ASAJA (Associació Valenciana D'Agricultors), the forum will serve as a meeting point for professionals and experts quote that it will provide an overview of it all, through the analysis of its different means of production and the possibilities of improving their profitability.

First National Congress of Bioeconomy, Food and Future,
Almería host next June 16 the First National Congress of Bioeconomy, Food and Future 'Food & Future', organized by Cajamar Caja Rural, the Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE) and the Science and Technology Park of Almería. This event will analyze the revolution that the bioeconomy is being productive systems, legal mechanisms and economic structures, the role of biotechnology as an engine of change, discuss new products, models and new sources of energy, and hold business meetings.

International Congress of pepper. Peru 2016
The Association of Exporters (ADEX) has scheduled for next 15 and 17 June the 23rd International Congress of Pepper, to be held in Trujillo, La Libertad (Peru). This international conference is a must for the sector, where attendees and participants will discuss the issues that interest and concern to all and share updated information and research with colleagues from around the world.

18th Congress AECOC of Fruit and Vegetables
From 14 to 15 June, the Spanish Association of Manufacturers and Distributors (AECOC) celebrates its 18th Congress of Fruit and Vegetables in the Congress Palace of Valencia. This event stands as the ideal place for industry players to exchange experiences and get an updated market trends with the greatest impact on their business future vision framework.

“The role of agricultural biotechnology in food security”
''The role of agricultural biotechnology in food security" will be the theme of the day that, on 10 June, will stage the International Institute of Madrid', organized by the Foreign Agricultural Service of the Department of Agriculture of the United States (FAS-USDA).

Course “Feel and taste the Andalusian Gastronomy”
In the framework of the XIV edition of its summer courses, the University Pablo de Olavide, Seville, held from 4 to 6 July, at its headquarters in Carmona, gastronomic days "Feel and Taste the Andalusian cuisine". Its main mission is to present the rich legacy and heritage of Andalusian cuisine, providing a different look that gives prominence to the senses and the good work of professionals regional cuisine.

Mexico: New international seminar on blueberry
The 4th International Workshop, "cranberry cultivation in Mexico: Technical analysis, productive handling and commercial development" held on 29 and 30 June in Terrace Andares, Guadalajara, Mexico.

Global Cold Chain Expo 2016
A one-stop-shop for all cold chain needs, the inaugural Global Cold Chain Expo takes place from June 20-22 in Chicago. The Fair shows space featuring hundreds of exhibitors from every sector of the cold chain, including material handling, warehousing, construction, supply chain/logistics solutions and transportation providers.