Presentation of the minutes of the scientific conference: “The Jerez in the 80 years of the PDO” Jerez (Cádiz)
On 10th November, at 20.00h, will be the presentation of the proceedings of the scientific conference: "The Jerez in the 80 years of the Designation of Origin", act which aims to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the DOP Jerez-Xeres-Sherry.

Seminar on quality and innovation in the field of juices and nectars, Madrid
As every year, the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Juices (Asozumos) and the Spanish Association of Self juices and nectars (AEAZN) will organize on 10th November "Seminar on quality and innovation in the field of juices and nectars".

Technical Seminar: “Production of bivalves in a secure framework”, Sant Carles de la Rapita. Catalonia
On Tuesday November 8th will be held in Sant Carles de la Rapita (Tarragona) the technical conference: "Production of bivalves in a secure framework", organized by IRTA and with the collaboration of the DGPiAM (Directorate General for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs) Catalonia.

Presentation of the new campaign Livinda apple on the farm of La Rasa
On Friday October 28th at 11:30 am, Ignasi Argilés, director of production and trade of Nufri, will present the outlook for the next campaign Livinda apple on the premises of the estate of La Rasa (Soria).

Presentation of the first oil of campaign García de la Cruz
This Friday, October 21st, at 12.30, Aceites García de la Cruz presents its first oil field, in a ceremony which will be attended, among others, by the president of the Community Board of Castilla la Mancha, Emiliano García Page, and its Minister of Agriculture, Francisco Martínez Arroyo.

XXVIII Technical Conference of the Spanish Association of Technical Cerealistas
From 19th to 20th October at the Hotel Novotel Madrid Center, the Spanish Association of Technical Cerealistas (AETC) hold its XXVIII Technical Conference.

Smart Rural Innovation Fair. Fimart 2016
Cordoba will host from 20th to 22th October, the third edition of the Innovation Fair Smart Rural 'Fimart 2016', an event held in the Palacio de la Merced, headquarters of the Delegation of Cordova, which is aimed at promoting and dissemination of the latest advances in innovative technologies and application services to rural areas.

Visit of socialist MEPs to Almeria and Granada
The next days 19th, 20th and 21th October, a delegation of Socialist MEPs will visit the provinces of Almeria and Granada to know 'in situ' production models of agriculture in southern Europe.

Assembly of the dairy sector of the Americas in Uruguay
From 22th to 25th November, the historic Uruguayan city of Colonia del Sacramento will host the General Assembly of the Pan American Dairy Federation (FEPALE), which this year celebrates the 25th anniversary of its constitution.

III National Tuna Congress
The Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid will host, on 19th and 20th October, the Third National Tuna Congress, organized by the Organization of Producers Associates Large Tuna Freezers (OPAGAC).