Webinario Women COMEX: women and management in the field of Foreign Trade
Free webinar, by Teresa Guillén Zulueta, aimed at opening a door to international trade for women entrepreneurs to boost their role in the field of internationalization, given that there are still large differences between men and women in the field of international negotiation, and there are no women's guides on this issue.
Summit of Livestock. Clermont-Ferrand (France)
On 4th, 5th and 6th October the SOMMET DE L'ELEVAGE (Livestock Summit), the number 1 cattle breeding fair in Europe and the most important meeting of cattle breeds will be held in the French town of Clermont-Ferrand (France). In this edition, this outstanding cattle-raising event will emphasize its international dimension, with a series of "technical tours", as a complement to the visits of traditional farms, which will take place throughout Tuesday, October 3rd, and which will be directed mainly towards international visitors.
Regional Fair of the Field and Samples of CLM (FERCAM) 2017. Manzanares (Ciudad Real)
Between 5th and 9th July, the Regional Fair of the Field and Samples of Castilla-La Mancha (FERCAM) will take place in Manzanares, Ciudad Real (Spain)
Presentation of the Yearbook of UPA on Family Agriculture in Spain. Madrid
UPA presents, next July 12 in Madrid, the 2017 edition of one of the reference publications on the Spanish rural world: the Yearbook of Family Agriculture in Spain.
19th AECOC Congress of Fruits and Vegetables. Valencia
From the 27th to the 28th of June, the 19th edition of the AECOC Fruit and Vegetable Congress will take place at the Palacio de Congresos de Valencia, the most representative discussion forum around the current market situation in the fruit and vegetable sector and trends are profiling with a greater impact of future in their commercial activity. During this Congress, attendees and speakers will be able to jointly analyze the evolution of the last year, share experiences and mutually propose new strategies of collaboration that allow to grow the market and give answers to consumers, when they seek solutions that meet their needs.
I National Agricultural Fair of the states of the Duke (FERDUQUE). Malagón
The municipality of Malagón, in the province of Ciudad Real,…
III International Congress of Red Fruits. Huelva
The Conference Center of Casa Colón de Huelva will host from June 21 to 22 the Third International Congress of Red Fruits, organized by Freshuelva, as an association that brings together the largest percentage of producers and exporters of red fruits and companies with more dimension and Activity within this sector and in charge of preparing the content proposal of the same. An event that will meet the representatives of the red fruit sector, the companies that make up the production and commercialization of these crops, as well as those that provide services or distribute products of application and direct use in this activity.
I National Agro Business Forum ‘Agroprofesional Women. For Equal Opportunities’. Seville
On June 7th, the capital of Seville will host the 1st National Business Forum Agro 'Mujeres Agroprofesionales. For the Equality of Opportunities', organized by SIETE Agromarketing and e-Comercio Agrario (ECA), with the collaboration of the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (CAPDER) of the Junta de Andalucia, the Andalusian Institute for Women and Caja Rural del Sur Foundation, among other entities and companies representing the agro-food sector. Its objective is to create a space for debate where women and men can give visibility to the work developed by women.
XXXV National Congress of Irrigation AERyD. Tarragona
On June 6th and 8th, the Hotel SB Ciutat de Tarragona will host the XXXV edition of the National Irrigation Congress, organized by the Spanish Association of Irrigation and Drainage (AERyD), with the support of the General Community of Irrigators of the Canal de The Right of the Ebro (CGRCDE). This Congress has an annual periodicity and is open to the participation of all people interested in irrigation, who will have the opportunity to have a space for the meeting, presentation, debate and discussion of ideas, methods, novelties, and experiences, which Contribute to the scientific and technological advance in the different thematic areas of irrigation.
Infoagro Exhibition. Aguadulce (Almería)
The town of Aguadulce in Almeria will host the agricultural fair Infoagro Exhibition from 10th to 12th May, which aims to be the epicenter of business for the agricultural producer. More than 300 companies and agricultural professionals will meet in the second edition of this event.