Days on opportunities of the ecological sector in Europe. Murcia
FRUIT LOGISTICA returns to visit the Murcian production sector on November 28th, organizing a session in collaboration with the Regional Ministry of Water, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.

III edition of the ALIBETOPÍAS Conference. Madrid
The Spanish Federation of Food and Beverage Industries (FIAB), in collaboration with MAPAMA, celebrates on November 14th the third edition of the day "ALIBETOPIAS: new territories in food and beverages" in which it will be reported, among companies of the sector, on the need to gain dimension and improve knowledge about R & D & I policies, in order to promote and encourage the use of collaborative formulas and the creation of strategic alliances.

II International Meeting of the onion sector. Albacete
The next days 15th and 16th November, the capital of Albacete will host the second international meeting of the onion sector, promoted by the Association of Onion Producers of Castilla-La Mancha, PROCECAM, and whose main objective will be to carry out an in-depth analysis of the sector , highlighting the importance of this bulb in all its aspects, both productive, nutritious, commercial and phytosanitary.

International Fair of Ecological Products and Responsible Consumption, Bioculture. Madrid
On 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th November, pavilions 8 and 10 of the Madrid fairgrounds (IFEMA) will host the 33rd edition of the International Fair of Ecological Products and Responsible Consumption, Biocultura.

Day of Fruits and Vegetables of Agri-food Cooperatives of Spain. Valencia
Community policies and trade relations will mark the day of Fruits and Vegetables that Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España celebrates on November 10th in Valencia. It will bring together representatives of numerous Spanish fruit and vegetable cooperatives and other producing countries, as well as leading experts who will analyze the current situation of the sector and its most imminent challenges.

Technical day of the new variety of yellow onion by day, Joaquin F1. Barrax (Albacete)
On Tuesday, November 14th, the onion team of Bayer Vegetable Seeds celebrates the Technical Conference of Joaquin F1, in which this new variety of yellow onion will be presented during the day. The act will start at 11.00 hours in the facilities of Ferroice in Barrax (Albacete).

I International Almond Forum. Albacete
Next Wednesday, November 8th, the 1st Almendro International Forum will be held in the Albacete Conference Center, under the premise "Innovation in almendricultura, how to compete with California ?. This event will begin at 9:00 am, with an inaugural session by the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development of Castilla-La Mancha, Francisco Martínez Arroyo; the director of the Provincial Agronomic Technical Institute (ITAP), Ramón López, and the director of the Olint magazine, Alba Rodas.

SEPOR 50th Edition. Livestock, Industrial and Agrifood Fair. Lorca (Murcia)
The Cattle, Industrial and Agroalimentary Fair of Lorca (SEPOR) is a contest of national and international reference that for fifty years seeks to answer each edition to the needs of information and training of breeders and professionals, putting at your disposal the testimony and the knowledge of the most qualified experts in matters such as biodiversity, animal health, food, pathologies, technological advances and production.

II Forum on Digital Transformation and Big Data in Agriculture (AGRIDATA SUMMIT). Madrid
Next Wednesday, November 8th, will be held at CaixaForum Madrid, the 2nd Forum on Digital Transformation and Big Data in Agriculture (AGRIDATA SUMMIT), which will be inaugurated, at 10: 00h, by the Minister of Agriculture, Isabel García Tejerina . The event, led by journalist Sandra Sutherland, director and presenter of the TVE program, "Agroesfera", will also feature in its inaugural session with the videoconference intervention of the European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Phil Hogan.

Days: Women in the economic activity of the Rural World. Madrid
The Federation of Rural Women's Associations (Fademur) will hold a great day on Tuesday 10th October on the role of rural women in the Spanish economy, and their key role as guarantors of food sovereignty, the territorial structure, maintenance of biodiversity and the fight against depopulation.