32nd Macfrut off with optimism in Italy
Fair organized by Cesena and held for the first time at the fair in Rimini, this show has been developed in an atmosphere of great optimism and enthusiasm for the challenges ahead. This year exhibitors have increased from 800 to over 1,000, and one in five comes from abroad, with a total representing 30 different countries. The surface of the enclosure has risen from 20,000 square meters to 33,000 previous edition of the Fair of Rimini. A great Macfrut, displayed the best ever.
Those are the data provided by Renzo Piraccini, president of the Fair of Cesena, at the opening of the Fair, on 23 September. “There are indicators that make us have good omens. The prestreno of Macfrut 3.2 already aroused great interest with 8000 entries. This year exhibitors have increased from 800 to over 1000, and one in five comes from abroad, with a total representing 30 different countries. Buyers are more than 350 and the surface of the enclosure has passed the 20 000 square meters of the previous edition to 33 000 of the Fair of Rimini. A great Macfrut, displayed the best ever. And this is possible thanks to partners, starting with Unicredit, who agreed to join us and administrators who understood the value and insight of the project. ” After Piraccini gave some data on horticulture: “Exports rose by 10% over last year and household consumption of fruit and vegetables, after years of crisis, seems to have begun a path to increase (an increase of 3%). In horticultural products exports are second only in the field of oenology. I am convinced that we can work on a global platform of the sector and increase the growth of Italian products. Needless momentum and pragmatism, but we can get.”
An issue with important challenges
The ribbon has cut the Italian Deputy Minister of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies, Andrea Olivero, who thanked all the organizers for the bold challenge that has hosted Macfrut. “A collaboration between Cesena and Rimini which demonstrates the great value and insight, said the Deputy Minister Andrea Olivero. This is the way you have to go to be competitive and meet the latest techniques. We must also point out the value of the work they have done for years in the field of innovation, attention to quality and promoting consumption. Also, I think the novelty introduced this year by organizing cooking demonstrations from celebrity chefs is important to show to the world the importance of our Mediterranean diet.”
“Although the first signs relating to the beginning of 2015, in the agriculture sector are positive, we still have much work ahead continues the deputy minister. We have to improve some phytosanitary constraints, increasing integration of production and seriously deal with the logistics. High energy prices are burdening some of our companies. Along with Europe, we must offer all our resources to Italy also interpret its role in the international market.”
“We must always see the glass half full and never half empty, said Paolo de Castro, coordinator of the Agriculture in the European Parliament and the steps they have already taken the two fairs, Cesena and Rimini, to reach this new edition are it concrete demonstration.”
Towards internationalization
Also Lorenzo Cagnoni, President of Rimini Fair, said “Macfrut is the result of a synergistic operation is an example of good dialogue between two territories.” “Unfortunately, the history of the fairs in our country is sometimes a history of improper competition, tension continues Cagnoni. This edition of Macfrut proposes a novelty we hope to provide an example for all Italy”.
They also wanted a few words the two mayors, Paolo Lucchi of Cesena and Rimini Andrea Gnassi who opened the fair together. Andrea Gnassi, Mayor of Rimini, stressed the fact that if the forces of Romagna come together and form a team, none can with them. But for this we must have the strength to go against; Only in this way can also be insightful. “Instead of looking at our steeples, Lucchi and I have decided to upload them to understand what happens in the world, says Gnassi. We are a region that has never been afraid to internationalization and, therefore, we must work together to propose the best we have. ”
Increasingly ambitious horticulture
Paolo Lucchi, in the acknowledgments to Domenico Scarpellini, former Cesena Fair, for all the work done and have left a fair anyway was not in an emergency situation, wanted to point out that the choice of moving the fair to Rimini has been carried out with companies of the territory. “We understood that the scenario of horticulture is increasingly ambitious explains Lucchi, so there were two possibilities:. Or we joined to face new challenges or run the risk of going back ‘ Thus we ignore the provincialism, as we are doing in many other sectors (water, health, transport, Chamber of Commerce), initiating this path of collaboration with Rimini. Our strength is to culminate in Romagna, a metropolitan city to show the world the best you have. Only then can we meet the challenges of the future.”
They have also taken the stage Domenico Scarpellini, president of the Fair of Cesena, Tiberio Rabboni, exasesor Agriculture of the Emilia Romagna Region, and representatives of the Dominican Republic, honorary Macfrut country; all of them have received a deep appreciation for the effort and work carried out in the years Macfrut has taken place.
Source: Macfrut